Saturday, March 28, 2020

Comparison of Marx and Hegel

Introduction Many scholars have considered Karl Marx a left-wing Hegelian philosopher. This is due to his disagreement with Hegel over the view that the driving force in human life is based on the academic competency or religion. Hegel observed that this was needed for connectivity, something that Marx opposed vehemently.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Comparison of Marx and Hegel specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In this regard, it is established that the basic difference between Hegel and Marx is based on God and material goods. On his part, Hegel believed that God was in charge of everything in the world. He was in charge of people’s destinies. Marx replaced God with power and ownership of property. The major difference between the two philosophers relates to the utilization of property. Marx believed that the rich in society utilize wealth to subjugate and dominate the poor. Hegel viewed property as th e means to ends meaning that each person should possess property in order to fulfill his or her needs. This paper will therefore compare the reasoning of the two philosophers based on the dialectical method. The two philosophers concur that an individual needs property in society but they differ over the use and acquisition of property. Differences In the first place, the two classical philosophers differ over conceptualization of philosophy. Hegel viewed philosophy as an activity of thought, self-enclosed and independent. In this sense, the main function of philosophy is to document what has happened in the world. Hegel thought that offering a clarification to a particular event meant explaining it in terms of coherent inevitability. In this case, the event or an occurrence is to be explained within its immediate context. Through this, the meaning of various events could be offered to various philosophical occurrences. Furthermore, the philosopher can only offer meaning to what has already occurred but not to what is about to occur. Hegel believed that offering meaning to various events needed the presence of God, spirit and the mind (Coplestone, 1999).Advertising Looking for essay on philosophy? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This can be interpreted to mean that philosophy is self-comprehending and truth is only arrived at through God’s assistance. In comparison to Marx’s comprehension of philosophy, Hegel’s reasoning is rationally retrospective. Marx believed that social conditions and materials determine the position of individuals in society. God has nothing to do with the living standards of people. The rich are responsible for the poverty that rocks the unfortunate in society. Marx considered Hegel’s explanation a teleological metaphysics that only justifies human problems through religion. Hegel could explain poverty as a punishment from God. Marx could view the same as part of the process of capitalism. In trying to extrapolate how alienation affects the lives of individuals, Hegel utilized a dialectical method to show how human consciousness is a process that develops from simple to a more multifaceted process. He noted that human mind grows procedurally to adopt the changing events in the world. In this view, some individuals are more active than others hence the less powerful in terms of reasoning are dominated and estranged (Coplestone, 1999). Human mind has grown from what it used to be to grasp the existing nature of objects. Through this, human beings are more aware about their environment. He noted that philosophy evolves through the same dialectical method. What a certain generation holds as true is further disputed by the new generation hence generating new ideas in society. Although Marx had the same perspective as that of Hegel, Marx is more materialistic than Hegel who was an idealist. Hegel observed that ideology is the most impor tant aspect of human history. Human beings utilize ideas to dominate and suppress others in society.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Comparison of Marx and Hegel specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Ideology helps an individual to comprehend truth in society. Marx believed that societies could only be understood in terms of material possessions. Marx saw history as a revolution in the modes of production. The history changed from feudal mode of production to the current capitalistic mode. In the current mode, human life is characterized by competition, subjugation, pauperization and hopelessness. All these can only be rectified through a revolution. The proletariat should rise up against the bourgeoisie and claim leadership. For Hegel, the lives of people in society are influenced by objects, which are needed in case life is to proceed well. The same objects are the major causes of alienation. The objects are needed by individuals to accomplish their tasks. Without the objects, people can do nothing to satisfy their needs. Therefore, the religious leaders utilize the objects to dominate and suppress the poor (Marx, 1988). From Hegel’s analysis, it is evident that alienation is inevitable in human history. Alienation is natural to human beings, which is shaped by objects. The objects keep on changing in shape and form. It reaches a time when human beings dispute the existing structure by arguing that some objects are unnecessary. Alienation to Marx does not pertain to human objects instead, it relates to production of goods and services in society. It is more concerned about ownership of the means of production. Hegel observed that labor was a positive activity in human history. However, Marx differed with him since labor is evil meaning that it causes alienation and domination in society (Polanyi, 2006). In fact, to Marx, labor is the main cause of alienation. Hegel viewed alienation to be inherently in people but Marx narrowed it down to an individual. An individual is alienated from his own activities since he or she does not have any time to conduct private activities apart from animal related ones such as eating, sleeping and procreating.Advertising Looking for essay on philosophy? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Similarities The two philosophers pointed out that the worker is alienated in four ways, one being alienation from the product. Although workers are the direct producers of goods, they are slaves of the goods they produce. The produced good has more value as compared to the worker because goods are to be offered maximum security and stored in safe places. Workers produce goods that they do not consume meaning they produce for others. The increase in product value decreases the viability of workers. The worker ends up being treated in the same way as goods implying that goods and workers are treated as equals. Workers are perpetually pushed to the periphery leading to alienation from the process of production (Coplestone, 1999). The way workers relate to the whole process of production leaves a lot to be desired because the relationship is unnatural and uncalled for. The workers never find satisfaction because they satisfy the interests of other individuals (Capitalists). The worker views the whole process of production as forced labor because actually it is inhuman. The worker ends up being alienated from the self because of the last two forms of alienation. The worker portrays two personalities. One is the feeling of belonging to capitalism because the worker is separated from real consciousness. On the other hand, workers perceive themselves as human beings. References Coplestone, C (1999). A history of philosophy. New York: Continuum International Publishing Group. Marx, K. (1988). The Communist Manifesto. New York, NY: W.W. Norton Co. Polanyi, K. (2006). Primitive, archaic, and modern economies. Michigan: Beacon Press. This essay on Comparison of Marx and Hegel was written and submitted by user Aleigha Aguirre to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Free Essays on Annabel Lee

The poem â€Å"Annabel Lee† by Edgar Allen Poe depicts the deep anguish of a man who has lost the love of his life. Using poetic elements such as imagery and sensory perception, Poe illustrates a fairytale-like romance that is tragically cut short, perceivably by envious angels in heaven. The language and tone of the poem vividly shows the narrator’s resentment towards the cruel forces that took his love away and simultaneously exemplifies a love so strong that it transcends all things. The voice of the poem is that of a man who is struggling with feelings of bitterness and pain because of the death of his love, Annabel Lee. The story seems to be told years after the death of the young maiden, â€Å"It was many and many a year ago†, yet the tone of voice allows us to see how fresh the pain still is to the man. Because there are many references to the sea (the kingdom was by the sea and she was buried by the sea), the speaker appears to be someone who has a connection to and a love for the ocean and nature (despite the fact that it is a steady reminder, or maybe even the actual cause of her death). The reference to â€Å"the demons down under the sea†, seem to suggest this (perhaps Annabel Lee had drowned). The speaker, however, is convinced that something much more disturbing and complex has taken place: a conspiracy by the covetous and jealous angels in Heaven has taken away his love. (He fills the need to place blame somewhere.) He is angry, yet de termined, even though Annabel Lee is physically gone, to be with his love, in spirit, forever â€Å"And neither the angels in heaven above, Nor the demons down under the sea, Can ever dissever my soul from the soul Of the beautiful Annabel Lee†. Although it has been many years ago since her death, everything reminds the speaker of his love, â€Å"For the moon never beams, without bringing me dreams of the beautiful Annabel Lee; And the stars never rise, but I feel the bright eyes of the beaut... Free Essays on Annabel Lee Free Essays on Annabel Lee Edgar Allan Poe in his poem, ‘Annabelle Lee’ (869) uses various techniques to reveal his theme. It is largely his interest in examining a â€Å"spiritual passion that transcends human limits† which inspired Poe to write his poem (Johnson pg. 2). He does this by the use of persona, imagery, settings, rhythm/rhyme and words. In his poem, Poe uses persona to reveal his emotions in the form of a fairy tale. â€Å"It is his personal story of lost love which achieves its unique effects through its narrative voice†(Reilly pg. 2). His experience having losing his wife, whom he marries when she was only thirteen, has affected his personal life. It seems difficult for him to erase her memories from his thoughts. â€Å"It is the character of the young man who lost his lover that is talking to us through this poem†(Kelly pg. 3). This becomes obvious when he says, â€Å"But we loved with a love that was more than love, I and my Annabelle Lee†(869). Poe sees it natural to continually mourn the loss of his loved one and does not see his action immature. To him â€Å"maturity† in the sense of being able to put a lost one out of one’s mind would be a wasteful, soul deadening thing(Kelly, pg. 2). Imagery supports the emotional qualities of Poe. With the use of this technique he is able to remember her visually. He uses elements like the moon and stars and associate them with her bright eyes. These visual imageries allows him to keep her memories alive in his life. â€Å"Poe mentions the moon and stars in which he observes the bright eyes of his dear Annabel. His love becomes not just something to feel or imagine but to see†.(Johnson pg.4) The poet mentions the moon and the star in which he observes â€Å"the bright eyes† of his dear Annabel. â€Å"For the moon never beams without bringing me dreams of the beautiful Annabel Lee; And the stars never rise but I feel the bright eyes o... Free Essays on Annabel Lee Edgar Allen Poe’s use of imagery through out the poem â€Å"Annabel Lee† is highly perceivable. His strong use of images can guide you right through this poem. This particular poem starts off with a man looking back on his life as a child, falling in love with the girl of his dreams. Right here the rhythm of the poem is set at a very even pace. Poe writes about â€Å"a kingdom by the sea,† meaning how happy the speaker is and how perfect his life is with the girl. The speaker in this poem is a man who is madly in love. One can easily picture a beautiful castle by the ocean as two children are falling in love, but if you look deeper you can see that â€Å"a kingdom by the sea† really means the state of love that the boy was in (lines 23 and 24). He also says that Annabel Lee lived with no other thought â€Å"than to love and be loved by me.† This means that he was saying that she lived for him and he lived for her. By this I mean that the two of them were placed on this earth solely for the benefit of each other. With out sharing love between the two, neither of them could exist. Clearly the age if the bride did not matter since she was extremely young. Picture two children laughing, playing and having so much fun with each other that they immediately fall in love, as children. When they married she was only about twelve or thirteen. He also said that the angels themselves were jealous of the relationship if him and Annabel Lee. He felt that the angels were not happy, because of the envy for the love that they shared for each other. He says, â€Å"the winged seraph’s of heaven coveted her and me.† A seraph is a fiery angel who protects Gods throne. In a way he was saying his love was more perfect than Gods. When Annabel Lee dies you can see her highborn kinsman or â€Å"angels†, come down and carry her away from him. Then she was placed in a sepulchre. A sepulchre is a tomb that is very similar to the shrines devoted... Free Essays on Annabel Lee The poem â€Å"Annabel Lee† by Edgar Allen Poe depicts the deep anguish of a man who has lost the love of his life. Using poetic elements such as imagery and sensory perception, Poe illustrates a fairytale-like romance that is tragically cut short, perceivably by envious angels in heaven. The language and tone of the poem vividly shows the narrator’s resentment towards the cruel forces that took his love away and simultaneously exemplifies a love so strong that it transcends all things. The voice of the poem is that of a man who is struggling with feelings of bitterness and pain because of the death of his love, Annabel Lee. The story seems to be told years after the death of the young maiden, â€Å"It was many and many a year ago†, yet the tone of voice allows us to see how fresh the pain still is to the man. Because there are many references to the sea (the kingdom was by the sea and she was buried by the sea), the speaker appears to be someone who has a connection to and a love for the ocean and nature (despite the fact that it is a steady reminder, or maybe even the actual cause of her death). The reference to â€Å"the demons down under the sea†, seem to suggest this (perhaps Annabel Lee had drowned). The speaker, however, is convinced that something much more disturbing and complex has taken place: a conspiracy by the covetous and jealous angels in Heaven has taken away his love. (He fills the need to place blame somewhere.) He is angry, yet de termined, even though Annabel Lee is physically gone, to be with his love, in spirit, forever â€Å"And neither the angels in heaven above, Nor the demons down under the sea, Can ever dissever my soul from the soul Of the beautiful Annabel Lee†. Although it has been many years ago since her death, everything reminds the speaker of his love, â€Å"For the moon never beams, without bringing me dreams of the beautiful Annabel Lee; And the stars never rise, but I feel the bright eyes of the beaut...